Functional Medicine

Preventive Care

General Wellness Care

Optimizing wellness from the core.


IMPORTANT: Please note all visits are online virtual visits. If you are requesting an initial visit it will be reviewed to determine if this clinic is a  good fit for your needs. If it isn’t, a recommendation will be made for a referral to a different type of clinic that may better suit your needs. 

100% Online Virtual Visits

The time and attention you deserve in a visit happens here.

We spend the time to get to know your health concerns and utilize the most current methods of testing to get to the root cause of those concerns. We will help you co-create a health regimen to achieve your best health ever!

Are you tired of your healthcare provider not listening to you? We can fix that!

Dr. Kim Yung Pfuhl APRN, CNP

Owner/Lead Practitioner

What is functional medicine?

“Functional medicine is a systems biology–based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of illness.”

[Institute for Functional Medicine 2022]

Simply put, functional medicine gets to the root cause of your health problem. The root of physical or mental illness nearly always lies in a part of the body not functioning ideally. Through functional medicine evaluation, testing and treatment you can change the course of your health for the better from the core.